Satellite phone store rents and supports top satellite phones, service plans and a variety of satellite solutions. Renting a Satellite Phone is ideal for your next adventure in isolated areas with no coverage where only satellite phones work.
Why do you need a satellite phone?
Satellite phones also known as sat phones work globally from pole to pole in every remote region of the world. With satellite phones you can keep in touch with loved ones, do business and stay connected with extensive coverage on all continents and excellent voice quality.
Small and lightweight. Satellite phones are more durable, shock resistant, water resistant, easy to carry and reliable. The extended battery life provides comfort and security that when needed your satellite phone will work.

Fully encrypted with AES 256 encryption satellite phones are safe and secure for private use of any kind. Government agencies and private industries rely on this privacy. It is recommended to always have a satellite phone when leaving cellular coverage.
The Best Satellite Phone?
Do you know which satellite phone is best for your next adventure? Whether you need to rent a sat phone by the week or by the month, the Satellite Phone Store has a service plan for you. Below are a variety of devices with different rental options. But if you would like assistance pin-pointing which phone to choose, click here to visit our satellite phones page, you can find features, use cases, reviews and more!